Enterprise 21, a franchise service, was established in 1990 by CEO, Colin S L Mackie, and specialises in the franchise business sector.
Whether you are considering becoming a franchisee with an established franchise group, setting up a franchise business from concept, or an established Franchisor who is looking for some assistance and direction, Enterprise 21 can help you fulfil your business goals.
Enterprise 21 has been a key Franchisee Selection Agency in Australia for a number of years, working with a wide range of franchise systems in the location and selection of suitable Franchisees.
Over the years, Colin has seen much success in the franchise industry. Unfortunately, he has also witnessed a number of failures instigated by many and varied reasons. This has culminated in gaining invaluable experience that he can now pass on to potential or existing Franchisees or Franchisors.
‘Franchise Information Events’ conducted by Enterprise 21 have addressed many 1,000’s of individuals providing relevant information on the good, the bad, and, on occasions, the ugly side of franchising.
The last major consultancy conducted by Enterprise 21 was with a business-to-business service franchise where Colin’s expertise helped grow the system from a modest 37 Franchisees to a very happy and lucrative 202 Franchisees. This occurred over a 32 month period making them the largest franchise system in their industry by a factor of three.
“This company was struggling to bring on new Franchisees faster than they were dropping out of the system,” Colin states. “The first task was to discover what was happening to the Franchisees that were preventing them from being as successful as they could be. The Franchisor had done a marvellous job in many respects, but there were some fundamental mistakes being made both in the initial training and the support areas. After we had addressed these problems and turned the Franchisees bottom line around, we could then focus on the growth of the company.”
Franchising is absolutely the safest way to get into business for most individuals. But it is not necessarily the best method for the growth of all types of businesses or individuals who may be contemplating developing their business through a franchise system. Make sure to see the list of general services Enterprise 21 provides or contact us directly on +61756412260 or WhatsApp +66 918 521 069 to discuss any of your franchising needs.

Meet Colin SL Mackie, Founder
With almost 40 years of full involvement in the franchise sector consulting to a wide spectrum of business formats and selecting 100’s of Franchisees, Enterprise 21’s pool of knowledge and experience is considerable and this places them in the perfect position to assist potential Franchisors in building a robust and profitable system.
Colin S L Mackie is the founder of Enterprise 21 and comes from a background of successful small business development in his native Scotland. With a latent talent for business and marketing, he began as a young man to spot improperly run businesses, buy them, refurbish, rebrand, and market them and then sell as a viable concern at a healthy return. These businesses covered a plethora of industries and products and included: Restaurateur, antique wholesale and retail, Mink Farming, Gourmet Pet Food manufacture and wholesale, Fallen Stock Contracting, Fruit and Florist, Wool Party Plan, and a few others.
With ten years in Corporate Business, he honed his skills and made significant changes in the clothing industry. His latent skills saw him take his state from 3rd position to number #1 position in 30 months, and increasing the revenue by over 400% to over $40 mil, in today’s terms, which was more than 50% of the total revenue for the company.
His move into the franchise sector was an obvious progression as his expertise in business development and growth could be used to full measure. Enterprise 21 grew to be the largest franchise consultancy in Australia for many years. With a staff of seven, the consultancy had as many as 17 different franchise systems that they acted for as Franchisee Selection Agents, Site Acquisition, Franchisee Training (Attitude, Goal-setting, Motivation), and Franchise development).
This places Enterprise 21 in a very unique position where that has such a wide and varied experience in all form of business making them the obvious people to talk to regarding growing a business model.